Protecting our most economically vulnerable neighbors during the COVID-19 outbreak

Source: Brookings (1)
Protecting our most economically vulnerable neighbors during the COVID-19 outbreak

While we are all adjusting to new precautions as we start to understand how serious the coronavirus is, we also need to be concerned about how to minimize the toll that such precautions will have on our most economically vulnerable citizens.

Closing down bars, restaurants, movie theaters, and gyms obviously has economic impacts for those businesses and for the people whose income is dependent on the jobs in those businesses. Beyond the existing social safety net infrastructure and the provisions in the Families First Act, here are a few steps that need be taken immediately:

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Monica Maria Restrepo Sanz
Monica Maria Restrepo Sanz
4 years ago

Is a fact that the economy has gone down due to the COVID 19 crisis either for companies and eployees.
This article shows the humanitarian side of the economy, describing alternatives specially designed to vulnerable people to get ahead along this crisis.
Economy has to be for the service of the society, oriented to the real human development, satisfying people needs, not only for rich people purposes enriching their wallets.
Aim to the equality of the income distribution

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