Operationalizing Protection during COVID-19 – Case Studies and Practices from the Field

Sources: OCHA Services (0), Reliefweb (0), UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (0)
Operationalizing Protection during COVID-19 - Case Studies and Practices from the Field

27 March 2020
Countrys: World and Kenya, Zambia, Ethiopia

The restrictions on movement imposed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic constitute one of the largest single global challenges that the humanitarian community has ever encountered. Maintaining continuity and quality in the delivery of essential assistance and services, including protection services, in the face of these restrictions requires operations to quickly innovate, leveraging fully the rich capacities and established networks within both communities of persons of concern, as well as host communities.

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Source Language: English (510)
Tags: case studies  (0), Children  (9), coronavirus  (0), covid19  (5), persons with disability  (0), practice  (0), Refugees  (0), Women  (7)
First Posted: Apr. 29, 2020

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