How the New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Spreads?
- The (COVID-19) can spread easily from person to person.
- The infected person can transmit the infection to others through respiratory droplets from nose or mouth, that exhaled via coughing or sneezing.
- The infection can be spread also when the persons touch the infected surfaces with those droplets, then touch their eyes or mouths.
- In some circumstances, even the normal breathing of the infected person can be dangerous to healthy people.
- So, it’s recommended to be away at least 3 feet (1 meter) from the suspected or an infected person.
- The (COVID-19) is spreading very quickly around countries, through airports, borders, recent visitors and many other ways.
- In some cases, (COVID-19) had been detected in stool samples.
- Toilet seats are relatively (but not exclusively) high risks for infection transmission.